На нашем музыкальном портале NASHAM.RU представлен текст песни Celine Dion - This Time и видеоклип Celine Dion - This Time. Если видеоклип песни представлен на онлайн видеохостинге, то он обязательно представлен, ниже текста песни. Также на музыкальном портале NASHAM.RU вы всегда можете оставить отзыв о понравившейся или заинтересовавшей Вас композиции Celine Dion - This Time. Все права на материалы принадлежат их владельцам.
Celine Dion - This Time
(Verse 1) One more hour burns so scared of his return that i can't sleep tonight in this hospital light what you call a tragedy is just another day to me for my heart beats with fear as his footsteps draw near
the life i meant to lead won't slip away from me
cuz this time is the last time i know that my eyes have seen too much this nightmare is not fair and i've had enough you break me, and as i bleed you just say you're sorry you call this love but this time your lies are not enough this time
there's nothing left of this your whispered words and empty threats rip away the seams of what i though this would be the last thread has come undone to reveal what i've become another victim of a poison love
i've been afraid for years but that won't keep me here
cuz this time is the last time i know that my eyes have seen too much this nightmare is not fair and i've had enough you break me to just say you're sorry you call this love but this time your lies are not enough this time
what remains a mystery you can not have the best of me so i'm taking back all you took from me
cuz this time is the last time i know that my eyes have seen too much this nightmare is not fair and i've had enough you break me to just say you're sorry you call this love but this time your lies are not enough this time