На нашем музыкальном портале NASHAM.RU представлен текст песни Cher Lloyd - Dub On The Track и видеоклип Cher Lloyd - Dub On The Track. Если видеоклип песни представлен на онлайн видеохостинге, то он обязательно представлен, ниже текста песни. Также на музыкальном портале NASHAM.RU вы всегда можете оставить отзыв о понравившейся или заинтересовавшей Вас композиции Cher Lloyd - Dub On The Track. Все права на материалы принадлежат их владельцам.
Cher Lloyd - Dub On The Track
I'm the kinda girl who puts dub on a track I'm a beast on the track, lay a beat down put the vibe on the map Try cut me up, try knock me down But you ain't gonna take my crown … a girl to mess up your plans Try take me take me off the men You will never get what I am …my mouth better than this feet, this feet Why you got a … a roof on me, …there's a roof on me There's a … up to the penthouse sweet I don't need all that, rather be level headed … Hold up a second, bring it back I'm the kinda girl who puts dub on a track I'm the kinda girl who puts dub on a track I'm the kinda girl who puts dub on a track I'm the kinda girl who puts dub on a track I'm the kinda girl who puts dub on the track Supersonic, ok, iconic, ok, astronomic, ok, get me on it Electronic, ok, polyphonic, get me on it
I'm the kinda girl who puts dub on a track
I'm the type of man who puts the dub on the track The future of rap … you ain't got … who's that …are you back on the track, or the next fact And prepare for the next chapter I'm back with a bag full of … … for the haters please take your places Still you … can't touch this cause I'm in a space ship I'm in … one thing I'll say is I'm about to put the dub on a track
I'm the kinda girl who puts dub on a track I'm the kinda girl who puts dub on a track I'm the kinda girl who puts dub on a track I'm the kinda girl who puts dub on a track I'm the kinda girl who puts dub on the track Supersonic, ok, iconic, ok, astronomic, ok, get me on it Electronic, ok, polyphonic, get me on it I'm the kinda girl who puts dub on a track