На нашем музыкальном портале NASHAM.RU представлен текст песни Cher Lloyd - Swagger Jagger и видеоклип Cher Lloyd - Swagger Jagger. Если видеоклип песни представлен на онлайн видеохостинге, то он обязательно представлен, ниже текста песни. Также на музыкальном портале NASHAM.RU вы всегда можете оставить отзыв о понравившейся или заинтересовавшей Вас композиции Cher Lloyd - Swagger Jagger. Все права на материалы принадлежат их владельцам.
Cher Lloyd - Swagger Jagger
Swagger jagger, swagger jagger You should get some of your own Count that money, get your game on Get your game on, get ya, get ya, game on
You can't stop looking me, staring at me Be what I be, you can't stop looking at me So get off of my face, You can't stop clickin 'bout me Writin' 'bout me, tweeting 'bout me, I can't stop, it's what I gon' be, My swagger's in check
Get on the floor, get, get, get on the floor My swagger's in check Get on the floor, get, get, get on the floor I got in check
Swagger jagger, swagger jagger You should get some of your own Count that money, get your game on You're a hater, just let it go
Swagger jagger, swagger jagger You should get some of your own Count that money, get your game on Get your game on, get your game on
You can't stop shoutin' at me, holler at me, be what I be You can't stop looking at, so get off of my way You can't stop youtubing me, on repeat, running this beat You can't stop this one is on me, i'm laughing all the way Get on the floor, get, get, get on the floor My swagger's in check Get on the floor, get, get, get on the floor I got in check
Swagger jagger, swagger jagger You should get some of your own Count that money, get your game on You're a hater, just let it go
Swagger jagger, swagger jagger You should get some of your own Count that money, get your game on Get your game on, get your game on
Hi haters, kiss kiss I see you later Hi haters, It was very very very nice to meet you
Get on the floor... Get, get, get, get, get... Get, get, get... Get on the floor...
You can't stop staring at me, staring at me,at me.
Get on the floor!
I, I, I, I, I, I got it in check
Get on the floor... Get on the floor...
My swagger's in check
Get on the floor... You, you,you can't stop... Get on the floor...