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Eminem - Difficult
They ask me am I ok. They ask me if I'm happy Are they asking me that because of the sh-t thats been thrown at me or am I just a little snappy and they genuinly care Doody, most of my life its just been me and you there and I continuosly stare at pictures of you I never got to say I love you as much as I wanted to but I do yeah I say it now and you can't hear me what the f-ck good does that do me now but somehow I know you're near me in presence or I went and drop some presents off to ease it to them two little beautiful boys of yours to try to ease their minds a little and dawg you'll never believe this but Sharonda actually talks to me now Jesus and everyone else is just tryna pick up the pieces man how you touch so many f-cking lives and just leave us they say grievance has a way of affecting everyone different if its true, how the f-ck am I supposed to get over you difficult as it sounds
Doody, thats what we call each other I don't know where it came from but it just stuck with us we was always brothers never thought about each others skin colours til one day we was walking up the block in the summer it was like 90 degrees, I was catching a sun burn tryna walk under the trees just to give me some comfort I'm moaning I just wanna get home when I look over and his shirt is off I'm like you gon fry and like "No I wont, I'm black stupid black people they got melatonin in their skin, we don't burn" meanwhile, my face is glowing and I felt like I'm on fire and the entire time you're just laughing at me and snapping at me with your shirt, bastard and I still have to get you back for that sh-t and by the way them playboy rings my mother stole from you well Nate finally got em back sh-t it must have been at least 16 years ago well I put em in your cask-owww moving past it, it still aint registered yet but you can bet you're legacy they'll never forget the motor city mo-town hip hop vet, hip hop shop, dreads it don't stop there yeah, as difficult as it sounds