На нашем музыкальном портале NASHAM.RU представлен текст песни Kesha - Tease Me и видеоклип Kesha - Tease Me. Если видеоклип песни представлен на онлайн видеохостинге, то он обязательно представлен, ниже текста песни. Также на музыкальном портале NASHAM.RU вы всегда можете оставить отзыв о понравившейся или заинтересовавшей Вас композиции Kesha - Tease Me. Все права на материалы принадлежат их владельцам.
Kesha - Tease Me
tease me, tease me, tease me go ahead and tease me, tease me, tease me spotlights down in the hotel lobby turn it up, honey shake that body dance on top of the maseratis nobody can get enough push and pull is the evening mission turn me on like a television fire me up with your disposition how you gonna get enough people in the sky people on the ground everywhere i go from tokyo to londontown boys tease the girls then the girls tease the boys 24, day and night girls tease the boys then the boys tease the girls it’s been all of my life if you’re gonna tease me, tease me, tease me go ahead and tease me, tease me, tease me look me up as i pass your shoulder private dance like i’m tina turner just one touch and you’re done you’re over but you’ll never get enough people in the bedroom people on the floor everywhere i go from mexico to singapore boys tease the girls then the girls tease the boys 24, day and night girls tease the boys then the boys tease the girls don’t be wasting my time if you’re gonna tease me, tease me, tease me go ahead and tease me, tease me, tease me why you gotta tease me, tease me, tease me go ahead and tease me, tease me, tease me if you want me know how to please me go on and turn me out if you want me you better tease me don’t make me show you how people on computers people in the park everywhere i go from ohio to zanzibar boys tease the girls then the girls tease the boys 24, day and night girls tease the boys then the boys tease the girls it’s been all of my life boys tease the girls then the girls tease the boys 24, day and night girls tease the boys then the boys tease the girls don’t be wasting my time if you’re gonna tease me, tease me, tease me go ahead and tease me, tease me, tease me why you gotta tease me, tease me, tease me go ahead and tease me, tease me, tease me