На нашем музыкальном портале NASHAM.RU представлен текст песни September - Resuscitate Me и видеоклип September - Resuscitate Me. Если видеоклип песни представлен на онлайн видеохостинге, то он обязательно представлен, ниже текста песни. Также на музыкальном портале NASHAM.RU вы всегда можете оставить отзыв о понравившейся или заинтересовавшей Вас композиции September - Resuscitate Me. Все права на материалы принадлежат их владельцам.
September - Resuscitate Me
You can pick up the phone and I know, no one's home but I don't think you know how much it means just to hear the sound of your voice even if it's your voice on the answering machine I'm holding my breath until you come back again but the air is getting less and less I'm in love cpr, but you're so far away
Don't you let my heart die boy, this is an Emergency you're what i need All the chases for you, to come and put your lips on me you help me to breathe, resuscitate me I'm begging you please, you're all that I need I want you to be the air that I Breathe resuscitate me
Although this time in the place that I will see your face, it's too hard to wait around the problem is this seems so easy to miss don't you know boy I need you here and now you are the place that I fall apart and now I don't know where to start I'm in love cpr, but you're so far away
Don't you let my heart die boy, this is an Emergency you're what i need All the chases for you, to come and put your lips on me you help me to breathe, resuscitate me I'm begging you please, you're all that I need I want you to be the air that I Breathe resuscitate me
Put your hands on my heart you touch came so deep but boy when you'RE gone, I'm all alone i can't start to breathe resuscitate me, baby resuscitate me, come on resuscitate me, yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah
Don't you let my heart die boy, this is an Emergency you're what i need All the chases for you, to come and put your lips on me you help me to breathe, resuscitate me I'm begging you please, you're all that I need I want you to be the air that I Breathe resuscitate me