На нашем музыкальном портале NASHAM.RU представлен текст песни Taio Cruz - Best Girl и видеоклип Taio Cruz - Best Girl. Если видеоклип песни представлен на онлайн видеохостинге, то он обязательно представлен, ниже текста песни. Также на музыкальном портале NASHAM.RU вы всегда можете оставить отзыв о понравившейся или заинтересовавшей Вас композиции Taio Cruz - Best Girl. Все права на материалы принадлежат их владельцам.
Taio Cruz - Best Girl
Hey Hey Hey [x8]
Young girl you're the type I need Baby you should know you are the one that I see Everything about you is the way that I like We can do it baby anytime of the night Cause you stay down and you always go right Even when we tired girl you wanna go twice
I just wanna tell you're the one that I need Baby you're the one, the only one for me
So when we get the motion, oh, in the ocean We keep it goin', keep, keep it goin' I feel the lotion feel emotion And I just gotta tell you one more time
[Chorus x2:] You're the best damn girl in the whole wide world Baby you're the best in the whole wide world You're the only one that I'm ever gonna need Baby you're the one, only one for me
The best damn girl I've ever seen in my life Every time I look at you I'm proud that you're mine You just got the shape, just the shape that I like Everything about you got me feeling all right So I know that we can do it, baby all night We can make love anytime that you like
I just wanna tell you're the one that I need Baby you're the one the only one for me
So when we get the motion, oh, in the ocean We keep it goin', keep, keep it goin' I feel the lotion feel emotion And I just gotta tell you one more time
[x2:] You're the best damn girl in the whole wide world Baby you're the best in the whole wide world You're the only one that I'm ever gonna need Baby you're the one, only one for me
Best damn girl Check it now mama you are the bestest And I love the way that we dress, the freshest You're in the passenger, I'm driving in the R8 Pumpin' that brand new shizzle, by the arcade (R.K.) And I'm hardly, ever shy baby That's why I say it lookin' at you in your eyes baby I got the vehicle, let's take this for a ride baby Now listen one more time
You're the best damn girl in the whole wide world Baby you're the best in the whole wide world You're the only one that I'm ever gonna need Baby you're the one, only one for me
You're the best damn girl in the whole wide world Baby you're the best in the whole wide world You're the only one that I'm ever gonna need Baby you're the one, only one for me