Ministry of Education RS (Yakutia)
The Yakut state university name M.K. Ammosova
Physicotechnical institute
Power faculty
students of group ЭО-01
Vasil’ev M., Archaxov F., Mixailov A.
checked up:
Zaxarova E.V.
Yakutsk 2002.
1. History ……………………………………………….…………………………………… 4
2. A few words about richness ………………………………………………. 5
3. Sovereignity …………………………………………………………………………… 6
4. Economic relations ………………………………………………………………... 8
5. Mikhail Nikolaev …………………………………………………………………... 10
6. The conclusion ………………………………………………………………………. 11
The used literature …………………………………………………………………… 14
Yakutia is a well-known place in the world since ancient time. But Republic
of Yakutia has received its own flag and stamp only recently, with
receiving of true sovereignity. In opinion of majority of Republic
citizens, both of state symbols most conciseness express historical destiny
of Yakutia native people, their present day, their future and nature of the
north country.
Present sovereign Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is an exporter and
importer of goods production. But first of all a few words about history.
Beginning from the 17th century, with coming of Cossackslandwalders
to the Lena river, the “Lena area”, as they called Yakutia, attracted
attention of Russian tzars, and their close surrounding. Of course,
attention of Russian authorities to Yakutia was called by political and
economical matters in difference of attention of scientists, travellers,
men of letters.
Union of new lands, need in famous Yakutian fur, which was carrying
off abroad, to European and Asian countries, filling up the state treasure,
were necessary. Economic potention of Yakutia especially in the 20th
century, grew exceedingly, although it continued to serve as pantry of
natural richnesses only.
Before this time richness of sakha people was cattle and its
products, such as meat, milk and butter. Besides of this, it was nature:
sakha, evenks, evens, jukagirs and local Russians, they were rigorous and
silent, and nourished to nature the most tender feeling, used its gifts in
necessary degree to live in these austere conditions. Furs were used only
for practice. But in other hand, with sewing of clothes esthetical feeling
of the people was manifested, they decorated their clothes with patterns,
beads, other fur.
In the first half of the 17th century fairies appeared on the
northeast, and beginning in June 25,1768 a decree of Senate on instituting
of official fairies in Irkutsk, Yakutsk, Udinsk was adopted, Astonishing
fact was the quantity of merchants of second and third guilde, in Yakutsk
in 1823 they were 43, in Olyekminsk they were 10, in Vilyuisk – 8.
That’s why in the end of the 19th century Yakutian merchants traded
on huge area not only in the area of north-east, they had exited to Japan,
China, and other countries. In the 20th century famous merchant families
gathered put together, such as Averenskie, Astrafhantsevy, Molotcovy,
Nikiforovy, and many others.
Today, when the Republic of Sakha stands enough firmly on the base
of sovereignity, it has possibility to trade itself with different states.
The Republic is establishing international political and economic relations
with its foreign partners, a number of intergovernmental agreements with
countries of CIS and foreign countries were signed. Constant and Trade
Representations of the Republic of Sakha were created in Latvia,
Kazakhstan, Ukraine, in several regions of Russian Federation.
There is almost all the Mendeleev table in Yakutia. Not in vain
our ancestry made a proverb: “Nobody can desolate to bottom the chest of
nature…” On the other hand Mikhail Nikolaev is right saying: “we must
extract, produce and sell such quantity of production, that Yakutian will
live in security”. In his work “Yakutia on the border of centuries” he
stresses, that “it is necessary for the Republic to be directed on European
countries, and especially to countries of Asian and Pacific ocean regions”.
First Yakutian jewelry plant give its production. In 1992 it gave
products for 10 million roubles per day, now is achieved much more high
level. There are things of gold, diamond, silver. Add to this fur, mamont
bone, foal meat, deer meat, wood, coal, gas and so on. Republic of Sakha
has something to offer to foreign customer,, and it can support our
cultural connections, which have deep tradition, is coming of delegation of
47 people from brother-town Muroyama (Japan), the delegation carried out a
number of important appointment, including appointment with the head of
Yakutsk Alexey Tomtosov, rector of the university Vasily Philipov and
others. Delegations from Austria, Great Britain, China, the USA and other
countries desire visitors us.
But distinct character of our present connections must be mutually
beneficial economical relations. The Republic has worked out 22 state and
complex programmes of development, including almost all spheres of life and
activity of population, and branches of economy and culture. Each of them
requires large investments and provides their realization with taking part
of other foreign firms, companies and countries. Change of Republican
economy character (from extracting industry to processing one is planned by
foreign firms.
There are first signs of such cooperation. Austrian firms have
built Medical center and non-alcohol squashes plant in Yakutsk. Swatzer
MABETEXGRUPP, having built milk plant has built House of Maternity and
childhood protection. Canadian builders have “Canadian village” of 37
cottages with autonomous provision for talented children of the Republic.
State company of Foreign Trade SAKHAVNESHOPTTORG was established in the
Republic, president of the Company is Andrew Popov. Having special
divisions, SAKHAVNESHOPTTORG imports wood processing equipment, machines
and tools for building, technological conveyers on processing of meat,
fish, milk, newest medical technique and medicines, leading medical
technology, transport. means, clothes and shoes for all seasons, food and
other goods.
Export division is standing on its feet, too. SAKHAVNESHOPTTORG
does operates on a number of main positions. They export to external market
large sawing wood, timber, sawing materials, fur: squirrel, ermine, sable,
for: production of deer-breeding: pants (spring horns), broken horns,
organs of northern deer, energetic coal and so on. Having such firms as
will consolidate economical, trade and cultural connections with other
Many positive developments in the economy and culture of the region
are justifiably linked with the name of the first President of the Republic
of Sakha (Yakutia), Mikhail Nikolaev. The stable situation in the Republic,
the mutual understanding and co-operation with the leadership and regions
of Russia, with the countries of the CIS and the “far abroad” – owe much to
him. In December 1993 he was elected deputy to the Federal Assembly of the
Russian Federation. The President of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, rated highly
Mikhail Nikolaev as President of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).
On 20 December 1991 Mikhail Nikolaev was elected the president of
the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). In his remarks to the citizens of the
Republic on the third anniversary of the declaration of sovereignty of the
Republic he stressed that “the constructive policies of the Republic of
Sakha for solving its internal problems and also for its relations with the
Russian Federation are attracting the attention of the Federation’s
subjects and raise the authority of the Republic inside as well as outside
of it borders…”
During two years since the December 1991 elections Yakutians have
been able to satisfy themselves that the political goals of the Republic
are achieving at ensuring the well-being of the people and welfare safety
net for the population at a difficult stage in the development of market
economy. These policies have as their fundamental goal the rebirth of the
multinational people of the republic and the strengthening of the centuries
old traditional ties with Russia.
Elected by all the people, the first President of the Republic of
Sakha, Mikhail Nikolaev, has become the acknowledged leader of the peoples
of Yakutia through his practical efforts for the good of the northern
peoples. Many things have been achieved. Chief among them – the shaping and
strengthening of the Republic of Sakha as a sovereign state within Russia,
the signing the Federal Agreement, signing of the agreement on economic co-
operation with the Russian Federation, as a result of which the Republic
received the right to dispose of 20 per cent of gem-grade diamonds, 100 per
cent of industrial diamonds, 12 per cent of gold and other resources. An
agreement has been signed clarifying the status of state property,
belonging both to the Republic of Sakha and to the Russian Federation, and
providing for the creation of budget tax levies. The Republic of Sakha has
adopted the Constitution. With the active support of the president, the
foundations were being set for the development of production capacity, 950
enterprises have been put on a new management basis, more than 2.700 farms
have been established, diamond cutting was being developed, as well as
other processing industries.
Today, the Republic of Sakha has its own constitution and its own
president. Sakha has embarked on the path of sovereign, equal and
independent development. It follows that, from now, it will find its own
solutions to social, economic and cultural problems. It offers to co-
operate with other peoples on the basis of equal relations in trade,
science, politics and culture. Its freedom, newly won, will enable the
potential of the Sakha people as a whole, and of each individual, to flower
fully. Like the culture of other nation, the culture of Sakha brings its
own special contribution to world culture. The granite monument in Moscow
to Aleksey Kulakovsky, founder of Yakut literature, is testimony to this.
There are many differences between our nations. But there are many
common things, too. Every morning sun rise in the East, its rays illuminate
snow ridges of Yakutia, reflecting in waves of its full-watered reverse,
and roaming in unlimited taiga, these rays carry their light and warmness
to the West. We are one of the nations in the planet, who meet sun first of
all people. We meet sun with hope of peace, harmony and kind human
The used literature:
1. State Company of External Trade SAKHAVNESHOPTTRG Instituted by
Decree of Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) President from 21.07.92.
2. Yakutia - Russia: 370 years together. NKI “Bichik” Republic of
Sakha (Yakutia), 2002.