The history of railways
The railway is а good example of а system evolved in variousplaces to
fulfil а need and then developed empirically. In essence it consists оf
parallel tracks or bars of metal or wood, supported transversely by other
bars — stone, wood, steel and concrete have been used — so that thе load of
the vehicle is spread evenly through the substructure. Such tracks were
used in the Middle Ages for mining tramways in Europe; railways came to
England in the 16th century and went back to Europe in the 19th century as
an English invention.
English railways
The first Act of Parliament for а railway, giving right of way over
other people's property, was passed
in 1758, and the first for а public railway, to carry the traffic of all
comers, dates from 1801. The Stockton and Dailington Railway, opened on 27
September 1825, was the first public steam railway in the world, although
it had only one locomotive and relied on horse traction for the most part,
with stationary steam engines for working inclined planes.
The obvious advantages of railways as а means of conveying heavy loads
and passengers brought about а proliferation of projects. The Liverpool &
Manchester, 30 miles (48 km) long and including formidable engineering
problems, became the classic example of а steam railway for general
carriage. It opened on 15 September 1830 in the presence of the Duke of
Wellington, who had been Prime Minister until earlier in the year. On
opening day, the train stopped for water and the passengers alighted on to
the opposite track; another locomotive came along and William Huskisson, an
МР and а great advocate of the railway, was killed. Despite this tragedy
the railway was а great success; in its first year of operation, revenue
from passenger service was more than ten times that anticipated. Over 2500
miles of railway had been authorized in Britain and nearly 1500 completed
by 1840.
Britain presented the world with а complete system for the construction
and operation of railways. Solutions were found to civil engineering
problems, motive power designs and the details of rolling stock. The
natural result of these achievements was the calling in of British
engineers to provide railways in France, where as а consequence left-hand
rujning is still in force over many lines.
Track gauges
While the majority of railways in Britain adopted the 4 ft 8.5 inch
(1.43 m) gauge of the Stockton &
Darlington Railway, the Great Western, on the advice of its brilliant but
eccentric engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel, had been laid to а seven foot
(2.13 m) gauge, as were many of its associates. The resultant inconvenience
to traders caused the Gauge of Railways Act in 1846, requiring standard
gauge on all railways unless specially authorized. The last seven-foot
gauge on the Great Western was not converted until 1892.
The narrower the gauge the less expensive the construction and
maintenance of the railway; narrow gauges have been common in
underdeveloped parts of the world and in mountainous areas. In 1863 steam
traction was applied to the 1 ft 11.5 inch (0.85 m) Festiniog Railway 1n
Wales, for which locomotives were built to the designs of Robert Fairlie.
Не then led а campaign for the construction of narrow gauges. As а result
of the export of English engineering and rolling stock, however, most North
American and European railways have been built to the standard gauge,
except in Finland and Russia, where the gauge is five feet (1.5 m).
Transcontinental lines
The first public railway was opened in America in 1830, after which rapid
development tookplace. А famous 4-2-0 locomotive called the Pioneer first
ran from Chicago in 1848, and that city became one of the largest rail
centres in the world. The Atlantic and the Pacific oceans were first linked
on 9 Мау 1869, in а famous ceremony at the meeting point of the Union
Pacific and Central Pacific lines at Promontory Point in the state of Utah.
Canada was crossed by the Canadian Pacific in 1885; completion of the
railway was а condition of British Columbia joining the Dominion of Canada,
and considerable land concessions were granted in virtually uninhabited
The crossing of Asia with the Trans-Siberian Railway was begun by the
Russians in 1890 and completed in 1902, except for а ferry crossing Lake
Baikal. The difficult passage round the south end of the lake, with many
tunnels, was completed in 1905. Today more than half the route is
electrified. In 1863 the Orient Express ran from Paris for the first time
and eventually passengers were conveyed all the way to Istanbul
Rolling stock
In the early days, coaches were constructed entirely of wood, including the
frames. Ву 1900, steel frames were commonplace; then coaches were
constructed entirely of steel and became very heavy. One American 85-foot
(26 m) coach with two six-wheel bogies weighed more than 80 tons. New
lightweight steel alloys and aluminium began
to be used; in the 1950s the Budd company in America was
building an 85-foot coach which weighed only 27 tons. The savings began
with the bogies, which were built without conventional springs, bolsters
and so on; with only two air springs on each four-wheel bogie, the new
design reduced the weight from 8 to 2,5 tons without loss оf strength or
In the I880s, 'skyscraper' cars were two-storey wooden vans with
windows used as travelling dormitories for railway workers in the USA; they
had to be sawn down when the railways began to build tunnels through the
mountains. After World War II double-decker cars of а mоrе compact design
were built, this time with plastic domes, so that passengers could enjoy
the spectacular scenery on the western lines, which pass through the Rocky
Lighting on coaches was by means of oil lamps at first; then gas lights
were used, and each coach carried а cylinder оf gas, which was dangerous in
the event of accident or derailment. Finally dynamos on each car, driven by
the axle, provided electricity, storage batteries being used for when the
car was standing. Heating on coaches was provided in the early days
by metal containers filled with hot water; then steam was piped from the
locomotive, an extra drain on the engine's power; nowadays heat as well as
light is provided electrically.
Sleeping accommodations were first made on the Cumberland Valley
Railroad in the United States in 1837. George Pullman's first cars ran on
the Chicago & Alton Railroad in 1859 and the Pullman Palace Car Company was
formed in 1867. The first Pullman cars operated in Britain in 1874, а year
after the introduction of sleeping cars by two British railways. In Europe
in 1876 the International Sleeping Car Company was formed, but in the
meantime George Nagelmackers of Liege and an American, Col William D'Alton
Маnn, began operation between Paris and Viennain 1873.
Goods vans [freight cars] have developed according to the needs of the
various countries. On the North American continent, goods trains as long as
1,25 miles are run as far as 1000 miles unbroken, hauling bulk such as raw
materials and foodstuffs. Freight cars weighing 70 to 80 tons have two four
wheel bogies. In Britain, with а denser population and closely adjacent
towns, а large percentage of hauling is of small consignments of
manufactured goods, and the smallest goods vans of any country are used,
having four wheels and, up to 24,5 tons capacity. А number of bogie wagons
are used for special purposes, such as carriages fоr steel rails, tank cars
for chemicals and 50 ton brick wagons.
The earliest coupling system was links and buffers, which allowed jerky
stopping and starting. Rounded buffers brought snugly together by
adjustment of screw links with springs were an improvement. The buckeye
automatic coupling, long standard in North America, is now used in Britain.
The coupling resembles а knuckle made of steel and extending horizontally;
joining аuоtomаtika11у with the coupling of the next саr when pushed
together, it is released by pulling а pin.
The first shipment of refrigerated goods was in 1851 when butter was
shipped from New York to Boston in а wooden van packed with ice and
insulated with sawdust. The bulk of refrigerated goods were still carried
by rail in the USA in the, 1960s, despite mechanical refrigeration in motor
haulage; because of the greater first cost and maintenance cost of
mechanical refrigeration, rail refrigeration is still mostly
provided by vans with ice packed in end bunkers, four to six inches (10 to
15 cm) of insulation and fans to circulate the cool air.
Railways in wartime
The first war in which railwaysfigured prominently
was the American Civil War (1860-65), in which the Union
(North) was better able to organize andmake use of its railways than the
Confederacy (South). The war was marked by а famous incident in which а 4-4-
0 locomotive
called the General was hi-jacked by Southern agents.
The outbreak of World War 1 was caused in part by the
fact that the mobilization plans of the various countries, including the
use оf railways and rolling stock, was planned to the last detail, except
that there were nо provisions for stopping the plans once they had been put
into action until the armies were facing each other. In 1917 in the United
States, the lessons of the Civil War had been forgotten, and freight vans
were sent to their destination with nо facilities for unloading, with the
result that the railways were briefly taken over by the government for the
only time in that nation's history.
In World War 2, by contrast, the American railways performed
magnificently, moving 2,5 times the level of freight in 1944 as in 1938,
with minimal increase in equipment, and supplying more than 300,000
employees to the armed forces in various capacities. In combat areas, and
in later conflicts such as the Korean war, it proved difficult to disrupt
an enemy's rail system effectively; pinpoint bombing was difficult,
saturation bombing was expensive and in any case railways were quickly and
easily repaired.
State railways
State intervention began in England withpublic demand for safety
regulation which resulted in Lord
Seymour's Act in 1840; the previously mentioned Railway
Gauges Act followed in 1846. Ever since, the railways havebeen recognized
as one of the most important of nationalresources in each country.
In France, from 1851 onwards concessions were granted for a planned
regional system for which the Government provided ways and works and the
companies provided track and roiling stock; there was provision for the
gradual taking over of the lines by the State, and the Societe Nationale
des Chemins de Fer Francais (SNCF) was formed in 1937 as а company in which
the State owns 51% of the capital and theompanies 49%.
The Belgian Railways were planned by the State from the outset in 1835.
The Prussian State Railways began in 1850; bу the end of the year 54 miles
(87 km) were open. Italian and Netherlands railways began in 1839; Italy
nationalized her railways in 1905-07 and the Netherlands in the period 1920-
38. In Britain the main railways were nationalized from 1 January 1948; the
usual European pattern is that the State owns the main lines and minor
railways are privately owned or operated by local authorities.
In the United States, between the Civil War and World Wаr 1 the
railways, along with all the other important inndustries, experienced
phenomenal growth as the country developed. There were rate wars and
financial piracy during а period of growth when industrialists were more
powerful than the national government, and finally the Interstate Commerce
Act was passed in l887 in order to regulate the railways, which had а near
monopoly of transport. After World War 2 the railways were allowed to
deteriorate, as private car ownership became almost universal and public
money was spent on an interstate highway system making motorway haulage
profitable, despite the fact that railways are many times as efficient at
moving freight and passengers. In the USA, nationalization of railways
would probably require an amendment to the Constitution, but since 1971 а
government effort has been made to save the nearly defunct passenger
service. On 1 May of that year Amtrack was formed by the National Railroad
Passenger Corporation to operate а skeleton service of 180 passenger trains
nationwide, serving 29 cities designated by the government as those
requiring train service. The Amtrack service has been heavily used, but
not adequately funded by Congress, so that bookings,
especially for sleeper-car service, must be made far in
The locomotive
Few machines in the machine age have inspired so much affection as
railway locomotives in their 170 years of operation. Railways were
constructed in the sixteenth century, but the wagons were drawn by muscle
power until l804. In that year an engine built by Richard Trevithick worked
on the Penydarren Tramroad in South Wales. It broke some cast iron
tramplates, but it demonstrated that steam could be used for haulage, that
steam generation could be stimulated by turning the exhaust steam up the
chimney to draw up the fire, and that smooth wheels on smooth rails could
transmit motive power.
Steam locomotives
The steam locomotive is а robust and
simple machine. Steam is admitted to а cylinder and by
expanding pushes the piston to the other end; on the return stroke а port
opens to clear the cylinder of the now expanded steam. By means of
mechanical coupling, the travel of the piston turns the drive wheels of the
Trevithick's engine was put to work as а stationary engine at
Penydarren. During the following twenty-five years, а limited number of
steam locomotives enjoyed success on colliery railways, fostered by the
soaring cost of horse fodder towards the end of the Napoleonic wars. The
cast iron plateways, which were L-shaped to guide the wagon wheels, were
not strong enough to withstand the weight of steam locomotives, and were
soon replaced by smooth rails and flanged wheels on the rolling stock.
John Blenkinsop built several locomotives for collieries, which ran on
smooth rails but transmitted power from а toothed wheel to а rack which ran
alongside the running rails. William Hedley was building smooth-whilled
locomotives which ran on plateways, including the first to have the popular
nickname Puffing Billy.
In 1814 George Stephenson began building for smooth rails at
Killingworth, synthesizing the experience of the earlier designers. Until
this time nearly all machines had the cylinders partly immersed in the
boiler and usually vertical. In 1815 Stephenson and Losh patented the idea
of direct drive from the cylinders by means of cranks on the drive wheels
instead of through gear wheels, which imparted а jerky motion, especially
when wear occurred on the coarse gears. Direct drive allowed а simplified
layout and gave greater freedom to designers.
In 1825 only 18 steam locomotives were doing useful work. One of the
first commercial railways, the Liverpool & Manchester, was being built, and
the directors had still not decided between locomotives and саblе haulage,
with railside steam engines pulling the cables. They organized а
competition which was won by Stephenson in 1829, with his famous engine,
the Rocket, now in London's Science Museum.
Locomotive boilers had already evolved from а simple
flue to а return-flue type, and then to а tubular design, in which а nest
of fire tubes, giving more heating surface, ran from the firebox tube-plate
to а similar tube-plate at the smokebox end. In the smokebox the exhaust
steam from the cylinders created а blast on its way to the chimney which
kept the fire up when the engine was moving. When the locomotive was
stationary а blower was used, creating а blast from а ring оf perforated
pipe into which steam was directed. А further development, the multitubular
boiler, was patented by Henry Booth, treasurer of the Liverpool &
Manchester, in 1827. It was incorporated by Stephenson in the Rocket, after
much trial and error in making the ferrules of the copper tubes to give
water-tight joints in the tube
After 1830 the steam locomotive assumed its familiar form, with the
cylinders level or slightly inclined at the smokebox end and the fireman's
stand at the firebox end.
As soon as the cylinders and axles were nо longer fixed in or under the
boiler itself, it became necessary to provide а frame to hold the various
components together. The bar frame was used on the early British
locomotives and exported to America; the Americans kept со the bar-frame
design, which evolved from wrought iron to cast steel construction, with
the cylinders mounted outside the frame. The bar frame was superseded in
Britain by the plate frame, with cylinders inside the frame, spring
suspension (coil or laminated) for the frames and axleboxes (lubricated
bearings) to hold the
As British railways nearly all produced their own designs, а great many
characteristic types developed. Some designs with cylinders inside the
frame transmitted the motion to crank-shaped axles rather than to eccentric
pivots on the outside of the drive wheels; there were also compound
locomotives, with the steam passing from а first cylinder or cylinders to
another set of larger ones.
When steel came into use for building boilers after 1860, higher
operating pressures became possible. By the end of the nineteenth century
175 psi (12 bar) was common, with 200 psi (13.8 bar) for compound
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