Ðåôåðàòû. Regional variation of pronunciation in the south-west of England

|name [næm] | |name [næm] |

|The first sound is vowel |

|acre [jakr] |

|ale [jal] |

|acorn [’jak?rn] |

|hare [hja:r] |

|ache [jek] |

|acorn [jek?rn] |

|behave [b?’hjev] |

|“e” in the closed syllables > “a” |

|Nothern |Western | |

|egg [ag], fetch [fat?], step [stap], | |

|wretch [rat?], stretch [strat?] | |

|“e” in the closed syllables > [e?] |

|Eastern |Southern | |

|egg [e?g], stretch [stre?t?] | |

|“e” in the closed syllables > [e:] |

|South-Western |Western |Middle/Eastern |

|Leg [le:g], bed [be:d], hedge [he:d(] | |

|if “e” follows “w” > [ :] |

| |Western | |

| |well [w :l] | |

| |twelve [tw :lv] | |

| |wench [w :nt?] | |

|“i” in the closed syllable |

|North-Western |Western | |

|> [e]: |> [ ]: | |

|big [beg] |bill [b l] | |

|bid [bed] |little [’l tl] | |

|flitch [fletch] |children [’t? ldr n] | |

|sit [set] |cliff [kl f] | |

|spit [spet] |hill [h l] | |

| |drift [dr ft] | |

| |shrimp [?r mp] | |

| |fit [f t] | |

| |ship [? p] | |

| |pig [p g] | |

| |fish [f ?] | |

|“ight” > [e] |

|North-Western |Western | |

|flight, right | |

|if a nasal consonant follows “i” |

|> [e]: | |> [e]: |

|sing [se?] | |sing [se?] |

|cling [kle?] | |cling [kle?] |

|“i” before “nd” |

|North-Western | | |

|> [e]: | | |

|bind [ben] | | |

|blind [blen] | | |

|find [ven] | | |

|grind [gren] | | |

|“i” before “ld” |

| |Eastern | |

| |> [i:]: | |

| |mild [mi:ld] | |

| |wild [wi:ld] | |

| |child [t??ld] | |

|“i” in the open syllable |

|South-Western |Southern | |

|> [e?]: |> [e?]: | |

|fly [fle?] |bide [be?d] | |

|lie [le?] |wide [we?d] | |

|thigh [?e?] |time [te?m] | |

|Eastern | | |

|> [ ?]: | | |

|fly [fl ?] | | |

|lie [l ?] | | |

|“o” in the closed syllable followed by a consonant |

|South-Western | |Eastern |

|> [a:]: | |> [ ]: |

|dog [da:g] | |cot [k t] |

|cross [kra:s] | |bottom [b tm] |

| | |dog [d g] |

| | |cross [kr s] |

| | |Western |

| | |> [a:]: |

| | |dog [da:g] |

| | |cross [kra:s] |

|“o” + a nasal consonant |

|North-Western |Western |Western |

|> [æ]: |> [æ]: | |

|among [?’mæ?] |among [?’mæ?] |among [?’mæ?] |

|long [læ?] |long [læ?] |long [læ?] |

|wrong [ræ?] |wrong [ræ?] |wrong [ræ?] |

|“ol” + a consonant |

| |Western |Western |

| |> [u?]: |> [u?]: |

| |gold [gv?ld] |gold [gv?ld] |

| |old [u?ld] |old [u?ld] |

|“o” in the open syllable and “oa” |

| |Western | |

| |> [ ]: | |

| |bone [b n] | |

| |broad [br d] | |

| |rope [r p] | |

| |load [l d] | |

| |“oi” | |

| | |> [a?]: |

| | |choice [t?a?s] |

| | |join [d(a?n] |

| | |moil [ma?l] |

| | |point [pa?nt] |

| | |spoil [spa?l] |

| | |voice [va?s] |

|“u” in the closed syllable |

|Southern | | |

|> [e]: | | |

|but [bet] | | |

|dust [dest] | | |

|“ou” / ”ow” |

| | |Easter |

| | |> [av]: |

| | |low [lav] |

| | |owe [au] |

|“oo” |

|North-Western |Western |Middle/Eastern |

|> [?]: |> [ö]: |> [ ]: |

|good [g?d] |book [bök] |book [b k] |

|hood [h?d] |cook [kök] |brook [br k] |

|foot [f?t] |crook [krök] |crook [kr k] |

|blood [bl?d] |look [lök] |look [l k] |

|stood [st?d] |took [tök] |took [t k] |

|bloom [bl?m] |good [göd] |good [g d] |

|broom [br?m] |foot [föt] |foot [f t] |

|moon [m?n] |stood [stöd] |soot [s t] |

|loom [l?m] | |flood [fl d] |

|Eastern | | |

|> [ ]: | | |

|book [b k] | | |

|brook [br k] | | |

|crook [kr k] | | |

|“i” in the open syllable |

|South-western |Southern | |

|> [e?]: |> [e?]: | |

|fly [fle?] |bide [be?d] | |

|lie [le?] |wide [we?d] | |

|thigh [?e?] |time [te?m] | |

|Eastern | | |

|> [ ?]: | | |

|fly [fl ?] | | |

|lie [l ?] | | |

|“o” in the closed syllable followed by a consonant |

|South-western | |Eastern |

|> [a:]: | |> [ ]: |

|dog [da:g] | |cot [k t] |

|cross [kra:s] | |bottom [b tm] |

| | |dog [d g] |

| | |cross [kr s] |

| | |Western |

| | |> [a:]: |

| | |dog [da:g] |

| | |cross [kra:s] |

|Devonshire |Somersetshire |Wiltshire |

|“o” + a nasal consonant |

|North-western |Western |Western |

|> [æ]: among [?’mæ?], long [læ?], wrong [wræ?] |

|“ol” + a consonant |

| |Western |Western |

| |> [u?l]: gold [gv?ld], old [u?ld] |

|“oa” |

| |Western | |

| |> [ ]: | |

| |bone [b n] | |

| |broad [br d] | |

| |rope [r p] | |

| |load [l d] | |

| |“oi” | |

| | |> [a?]: |

| | |choice [t?a?s] |

| | |join [d(a?n] |

| | |moil [ma?l] |

| | |point [pa?nt] |

| | |spoil [spa?l] |

| | |voice [va?s] |

|“u” in the closed syllable |

|Southern | | |

|> [e]: | | |

|but [bet] | | |

|dust [dest] | | |

|“ou”/“ow” |

| | |Easter |

| | |> [av]: |

| | |low [lav] |

| | |owe [au] |

|“oo” |

|North-Western |Western |Middle/Eastern |

|> [?]: |> [ö]: |> [ ]: |

|good [g?d] |book [bök] |book [b k] |

|hood [h?d] |cook [kök] |brook [br k] |

|foot [f?t] |crook [krök] |crook [kr k] |

|blood [bl?d] |look [lök] |look [l k] |

|stood [st?d] |took [tök] |took [t k] |

|bloom [bl?m] |good [göd] |good [g d] |

|broom [br?m] |foot [föt] |foot [f t] |

|moon [m?n] |stood [stöd] |soot [s t] |

|loom [l?m] | |flood [fl d] |

|root [r?t] | | |

|spoon [sp?n] | | |

|Eastern | | |

|> [ ]: | | |

|book [b k] | | |

|brook [br k] | | |

|crook [kr k] | | |

|look [l k] | | |

|“er”, “ir”, “ur” |

| |Southern | |

| |> [a:]: | |

| |learn [la:n] | |

| |earth [a:?] | |

| |bird [ba:d] | |

| |birch [ba:t?] | |

| |merchant [’ma:t??nt] | |

| |herb [ha:b] | |

| |work [wa:k] | |

|“or” |

| |> [a:]: fork [fa:k], horse [ha:s], horn [ha:n], |

| |short [?a:t], |

| | Morning [’ma:n??], word [wa:d] |

|“ew” |

|Eastern | |Northern |

|> [ü:]: | |> [jav]: |

|dew [dü:] | |dew [djau] |

|few [fü:] | |few [fjau] |

| | |new [njau] |

| |

|2. Consonantism |

|[w] in the beginning of the word or before “h” |

|old [w l] | |[w] is not pronounced: |

|oak [w k] | |week [ouk] |

|hot [w t] | |swick [su:k] |

|home [w m] | | |

|orchard [wurt??t] | | |

|hole [hwul] | | |

|hope [hwup] | | |

Ñòðàíèöû: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

2012 © Âñå ïðàâà çàùèùåíû
Ïðè èñïîëüçîâàíèè ìàòåðèàëîâ àêòèâíàÿ ññûëêà íà èñòî÷íèê îáÿçàòåëüíà.